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Full Service Landscape Design & Landscape Maintenance
Residential & Commercial Valleywide

Travertine Pavers From LandPros Landscape Management

Residential and Commercial Landscaping Services

LandPros Landscape Management, LLC provides residential and commercial landscaping services in Arizona and Valleywide. If you are looking for a professional team to design and install your outdoor space, you can count on the experts at LandPros to help you create a space you will enjoy. We offer comprehensive landscaping services tailored to your specific needs and the environment.

Travertine Pavers Installation in Metro Phoenix, Valleywide & Tucson

Travertine Installation

If you are looking for a travertine paver pool deck or a travertine patio installation, the experts at LandPros Landscape Management can help. Travertine pavers are a popular choice due to the variety of colors and their durability, and they can be used for a variety of surfaces in your landscape. The process includes lot preparation and grading, laying of the sub base, placing the travertine, and adding travertine paver sealer. There are paver installation options for every budget, and styles to match every aesthetic. Our experts will guide you through every step of the installation, from the estimate to the care and maintenance of your travertine pavers after installation.

Travertine Tile Cleaning

All tiles need maintenance and cleaning from time to time, but travertine pavers need a special kind of care. Travertine pavers are spongelike and require an abrasive process to smooth and level the surface in order to remove loose grime and dirt on the paver surfaces and in grout lines. We use a hot water extraction method to ensure proper smoothing and cleaning of the tiles. This allows for a more effective travertine paver sealer as well.

Prevent Mold and Bacteria Growth

Travertine pavers are unique in that they are made of natural stone. While this provides many aesthetic benefits, the elements can damage your pavers if they are not maintained properly. The spongy texture of the pavers can create pockets for moisture and bacteria to grow, creating mold. This can deteriorate your pavers. Having your travertine pavers properly cleaned and sealed can extend the life of your patio or pool deck.
Using extremely hot water or steam as well as an abrasive element can smooth out the pavers and remove organic material such as mold and mildew. The surface is then given a sealant treatment, which is critical. Since travertine is a natural stone, and it is impossible to prevent moisture from getting in, it is important to make sure that the stone is sealed with the proper process to keep moisture from becoming trapped. Having a knowledgeable, experienced team to clean and seal your travertine pool deck, patio, or driveway will ensure you get the proper care for your outdoor space.

Facts About Travertine Pavers

When you are planning your outdoor space and have your heart set on travertine pavers, here are a few facts you need to know before meeting with the experts:

  • Travertine is a natural stone.
  • In addition to outdoor spaces, travertine is used for indoor flooring, wall tiling, and countertops, for both residential and commercial locations.
  • There are multiple colors and surface textures available.
  • Sometimes travertine pores are filled completely with grout to allow for a more smooth, even surface.
  • There are three grades of rock for travertine, which are based on the size, number of pores (cavities), and uniformity of color: Standard, Premium, and Commercial grades.
  • The grade of travertine influences the price of the stone you use for your project.

All of these can factor into your decision to use travertine pavers in your outdoor space, and will help make the process as easy as possible.

Contact Us

If you are interested in installing a travertine paver pool deck or travertine paver patio in your outdoor space, contact the experts at LandPros Landscape Management today. Our team of experts is ready to answer all of your questions and provide you with an estimate for your project in Metro Phoenix and Valleywide.